Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 Modified Rules

At this point the Modified Class is a catch all class for any non-magnatraction cars which do not meet the specifications in the Stock Class Rules.  These cars will have to meet certain rules specifications which will be not as stringent as the rules in the Stock Class.  At some point in the future there may be a Super Stock Class for modifications to T-Jets and possibly another class for other cars with only dimensional restrictions along with basic body rules.  For now these rules will be for T-Jets, T-Jet clones (without magnatraction), and AFX (non-magnatraction).  If a Super Stock Class is formed these rules will be deemed out of date or modified to reflect a new class to go along with the Super Stock Class.  The Stock Class would remain the same.

1. The car must have a body on it that represents a car of an actual car of some kind.
2. Bodies must be made out of hard plastic resin.
3. Bodies in 2020 may not be lexan
4. Fray style bodies are allowed
5. Bodies must be securely mounted to the chassis by front and rear screws.
6. Windshield and windows glass may be removed.
7. Fenders may be cut or flared as needed or desired.
8. Plastic may be removed from the body for weight reduction as long as the car remains appearing similar to the car it is modeled after.
9. Bodies must be readily available for purchase and not be one off moldings.
10. Body/car must pass freely through a 1 3/8" tech block.

1. Chassis may be any 1/64 scale commercially available chassis using a pancake style motor.
2. Chassis shall not use magnets for traction.  This includes the chassis known as AFX Magnatraction.  These are chassis which have a magnet visable from the bottom of the car.  Auto World T-Jet clones or any other T-Jet clone must have the magnet removed from the bottom of the chassis if there is one present.
3. Due to the strength of magnets being used and the transference of the magnetic field through the chassis rules will be made later concerning how much down force is allowed due to armature magnets.
4. Bearings, bushings, spacers, and shims are permitted.
5. Add on weights are permitted, handling pans are not permitted.
6. Pick up shoe modifications are allowed as long as the connection to the chassis remains the same as the original chassis set up.
7. Chassis may be cut, sanded, or drilled.
8. Top plates may be changed or replaced by high performance parts as long as the parts are readily available to purchase.  Top plates may be modified.
9. Guide pins do not have to be the original guide pins but they must be of the original design for the given chassis.  Example, T-Jet chassis cannot be fitted with the snap in guide pins of the AFX chassis.  T-Jet guide pins with beveled holes for mounting are allowed as are flat head screws.
10. On T-Jets and T-Jet clones the guide pin may be glued to the chassis instead of using screws providing the body is securely mounted in some other fashion.
11. Gear plate clamp must be in place, but may be cut, dimpled, or altered in any fashion as long as it still performs the job of holding the top plate to the chassis.
12. Four gear chassis are allowed.  These are pancake style chassis which have 4 gears on the top plate instead of 3.

1. Stock magnets are not required.
2. Magnets must be the stock shape and measurements of motor magnets in a pancake style motor and must be readily available.  No magnets are allowed that require changing the chassis for them to fit.
3. Magnets may be shimmed to fit in the chassis.  Magnets may be slightly sanded to fit properly.
4. Magnets may be matched.
5. No traction magnets are allowed.  A traction magnet shall be considered any magnet which is visible from the under side of the chassis.
6. Due to the strength of magnets being used and the transference of the magnetic field through the chassis rules will be made later concerning how much down force is allowed due to armature magnets.

1. Armatures must be of a pancake motor style.
2. Armatures may be modified by rewinding, balancing, or truing.
3. Armatures must be readily available for purchase in their unmodified forms.
4. Armature spacers and shims are allowed.

1. Brushes must be readily available for purchase.
2. Brushes may be modified from their original form.

1. All gears must be readily available for purchase.
2. There are no restrictions on gear sizes or gear ratios.
3. Gears may be soldered or glued to their respective shafts.
4. Gears may be lapped and polished.
5. Gears may be drilled, beveled, or lightened in any form.

1. Tires shall e large enough in diameter so light is seen between the chassis and a piece of test track.
2. Any commercially available axles may be used as long as the car passes through a 1 3/8" tech block.
3. Tungsten axles are allowed.
4. O-Ring tires are allowed.
5. Double flange rims are allowed.
6. Front wheels may rotate independent of each other.
7. Front axle weights are allowed.
8. Front tire/axle may be allowed to float from side to side.  Lateral movement may not exceed 1/32".
9. No additives are permitted on tire surfaces other than for cleaning purposes.  Tires must be "Dry" when placed on the track.

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2020 Muscle Car Class

edited 2/8/2020 This class will run with the same rules as Stock Class with the following exceptions. BODIES The only bodies allowed wi...