Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Thank you for an outstanding first month!!!

I want to thank everyone who has viewed Slots New? over the past month.  It was an incredible first month with Slots New? receiving over 1,100 views from 13 nations.  I started out knowing nothing about blogging.  Shoot, I had never even been on a blog.  I knew nothing about how to start a blog, organize a blog, or what to put in a blog.  Please, stick with me as I learn more about this blogging stuff.  One of the major issues I am having is the comment box.  It has not allowed comments.  I have pulled my hair out trying to make this work.  I have now tried a new format to see if it helps.  Please try to comment on my posts.  If you cannot get your comments to go through send me a letter through and let me know.  Let me know also what you saw when you tried to post your comment.

Now I want to thank the tracks who are allowing me to cover their race results and are working with me by letting me know their race schedules.  These tracks currently are Dungeon Raceway in Prattville, AL, Heart of Dixie Raceway in Talledega, AL, Charlie's Garage in Pearl, MS, Greg Gilbert in Robertsdale, AL, and Hot Slots in Lewisburg, TN.  I would also like to thank Greg Gilbert for giving me the first tip of the month.

In the future I am looking to add more tracks, but I am not going to add them at a rate I cannot handle.  I will be including a monthly tip coming from a qualified person to give tips on Slot Car racing.  I will also be posting a product of the month and will be writing a review on that product each month.  There will be a poll each month to spur thoughts about topics of interest.  I will be writing an article about a selected racer each month.  This racer will be someone whom I feel is of interest to a number of people.  There will be plenty to read about.

I am trying to organize the blog into topics you can navigate easily.  For example if you are interested in the race results at a particular track you can go to the "Topics and Results" section and click on a track you want to view.  You will see posts on race results from that track only.  If you would like to view my editorials, there is a page listed as "Editorials" you can click on and get every one I have written...etc.  There is now a search bar where you can type a word or two in and it will serve as a word search.  If you wanted to find any resulting article that mentions a specific racer it will show up by typing the name in.  At the top of the blog you can now find regular articles, such as racer of the month, tip of the month, scheduled races, ;and product of the month.  This will help you find articles of the most interest to you.  If you see an article that you especially like and would like to see a continuation of it, be sure to let me know through or by making a comment on the post.

Be watching for more content as it is my plan to add content at least every other day to the blog so there will always be something new to look at.  If you have a topic you would like to see discussed in this blog please send me a letter through and I will see if I can work it into the blog.

Once again, thank you all for the fantastic first month.  Hopefully by the end of month 2 we will have more raceways added to the coverage.


  1. What a great start. Thanks Tim for taking the time and effort to make this work. I am looking forward to viewing this blog regularly. Nice job. Terry Jensen driving out of Charlie's Garage

  2. Thanks for your comment Terry. It is nice to see the comments working. Keep checking back regularly as I am posting more content two or three times a week, sometimes even more.


2020 Muscle Car Class

edited 2/8/2020 This class will run with the same rules as Stock Class with the following exceptions. BODIES The only bodies allowed wi...