Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Changes in Slots New?

Once again we are making changes to this page.  Originally it was to be about Slot Car Racing in general on a local basis.  Then it went to covering races and events regionally.  Next it included HO Racing articles.  After this HO kind of took over as HO racers were the ones who were viewing and were interested in this page.  Then it went exclusively HO.  Now it is coming full circle back to local interest in HO Racing.  I will file away all the old posts that may have interest to people in a category called "Old Stuff".

The reason for the change is pretty simple.  This page does get a lot of hits from outside the area and I hope it still will as people may want to know what we are doing.  The HO community seems like they really try to keep up with what is going on all around.  I have asked about reporting other races around the country and a lot of people would like for this page to report their results.  Problem....nobody seems to want to send me their schedule or their results.  They want me to search it out myself.  It is simply too time consuming to find all this info and then the info is usually incomplete.

From here until things change again, this blog will now be used as a support page to the HO Racers of Mississippi facebook page.  It will cover local race results, and articles of interest for our local racers.  I will also try to cover nationally recognized events such as The Fray, HOPRA Nationals, Echorr Challenge, etc...  If you have something you would specifically know about please let me know.

I will also try to include some info on what N.A.S.A. is doing.  They are the group that helped us get started and they have an interest in how we are doing.

It will take a little while to reorganize all the post into new categories so be patient please.

If you have something you would like to contribute to this blog please send it to  All contributions are subject to editing.

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